Monday, 11 November 2013

SWOTVAC blues: bad life choices rant

I think I have made bad life choices. Really bad life choices. Such as the career I'm trying to pursue. I don't think I fully realised how much time and effort I would have to study, and the years of training I would have to undergo, to become a doctor. And I don't want to be just any old doctor. I want to be an Ophthalmologist, a doctor that treats eye problems. Once again...bad life choices.

And why do I think I've made a bad life choice? Purely because I am the worst student in the history of students. I haven't learnt anything all year. I don't go to lectures, I go to PBL tutes in a daze, and then I go home and watch TV shows, play candy crush, facebook stalk, and waste away my time on tumblr. That description made me sound really pathetic.

Right now I have the mantra that if I pass first year medicine, anyone can pass first year medicine.

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